Maybe rat smell come from dairy & biolab under Biden's Burisma Holdings?

... wonder if tied to the Fresno lab & their dairy holdings? Hmmm...

Burisma Holdings:

China dairy - "Jilin Zhishi Dairy Co"

Pharma - "3SBio" - partner with AstraZeneca as of 2016

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Smell a rat or 900 transgenic mice infected with Covid??

Also, in House hearing re biolab - Robert Kadlec downplayed CDC's hanging up on local officials & not testing vials for viruses - citing they only give advice & recommendations ...

-- it might have something to do with Kadlec's involvement with all those war games that blame livestock for pandemics - like October 2019 "Event 201' - funded by Gates & WEF, as well Aug 2019 "Crimson Contagion" and 2018's "Clade X".

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China dairy ties to filthy

illegal Covid lab near Fresno with transgenic mice, recalled Covid tests, viruses like HIV, malaria, covid & Ebola. Lab was previously located in Tulare as well as Texas.

"We got a very very good opportunity after the melamine problem," said Zhu, the chairman, president and CEO of the company known as China One Corp. It operates as IND DairyTech and will officially take that name this summer.

Zhu said the cows his company raises in China, using Canadian cattle genetics and North American farming practices, are highly sought after there because they produce better milk and more of it. Canadian Holsteins are about twice as productive as the average cow in China, he said.

The World Holstein Friesian Federation concurs. "Holstein cattle are renowned throughout the world as leaders efficient milk production with Canadian Holsteins held in high esteem by many milk producers and cattle breeders," David Hewitt, the WHFF's secretary general said in an email interview.

Today, IND DairyTech has more than 9,000 cows on various farms across China and plans to grow that herd to 30,000 by the end of the year.

The company came a step closer to that goal recently when it signed contracts to develop five new dairy farms in China, which will add another 11,000 dairy cows to its operations.

Zhu said the plan is to grow the herd to 60,000 cows by 2010 and 100,000 cows by 2011.

It now has an "inventory" of about 200,000 Canadian Holstein embryos that it intends to use to impregnate surrogate cows.

Zhu said his goal someday is to reach one million cows "to be the biggest in the world."

Zhu, whose name is actually Jiabei but uses the North Americanized "Jesse" for short, started IND DairyTech in 1999.

His earlier career was in helping advance and manufacture the diagnostic technology used in at-home pregnancy test."


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