What a handsome bull...Brahma? Reason why I have worn boots my whole life.

Am a past land surveyor from ND to TX to CA...mostly pipeline but much cadastral and construction... As agree about the Land.

As you spoke on transmission corridors, the UN planned in '91 with clinton- signing for the NorthAmericanUnion. Reason for open borders, but also Transcontinental Corridors that made the interstates N-S and E-W...country all divided with those from borders...so I always thought those ROW were to be used for utilities, but then when was in North Dakota doing seismograph, those huge transmission towers were all over ...we used them as markers to know where we were...we had cat towers, and girl and boy towers, and owl towers. At the time I thought it was great diverse income for landowners with royalties, and grazing below, but then studied the huge disruption to health caused by high frequency...maybe the beginning of this 5G problem I may be dealing with...no one around who might assess it though so it is whatever I guess...part of progress and I am part of sacrifice. I hope can find work in Cody and move to a hole outside of town as not a city dweller. Live on an alley now and so much traffic to steal from the Thrift Store on other end of the block. Hope God provides at his perfect timing.

Thanks Trent.


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Good morning Victoria I would love to talk to you about the impact of the transition lines.

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Or Transmission Lines either one

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