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Who are these people?

They’re the COMMIECRAT, Climate Change Hoax, WEF/NWO, Greta Thunberg Environmental Revolutionaries that think they can control Mother Nature and will do nothing but Destroy the Environment with their egomaniac ideas that cost Billions of dollars to try and Control what Mother Earth is going to do anyway! It’s TOTAL INSANITY, and the COMMIECRAT CONTRACTORS BEHIND THIS FRAUDULENT SCHEME ARE LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK! They could careless about the environment or who they Harm or Possibly kill with this Dangerous and unsafe pipeline money making scam! We The People have had enough of this Climate Change Propaganda shoved down our throats! It’s Nothing but more WASTE, FRAUD, and ABUSE of American Tax Dollars and continued attacks on our Freedoms, and Bullying Tactics to diminish and slowly take away Private Landowners rights step by step! It’s their foot in the door to Land Confiscation for the “good” of the environment, when nothing could be further from the TRUTH! If WE THE PEOPLE are going to ALLOW these small wacko CommiCrat Environmental Groups get away with stealing Private land, damaging the environment, and creating unsafe and deadly circumstances to the public, then it will only get much worse with their next Climate Change Agenda that’s already in progress! Total land CONFISCATION after the built-in failures of the initial pipeline create a disaster for the Greta Thunbergs to come in and say “now we need all your land so we can fix the catastrophe we just created!”They will say that Stopping Climate Change is more important than common people owning land! A very scary Slippery Slope that NO GOVERNOR should be supporting! SUMMIT Solutions and their Bolshevik Pipeline must NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN! If it does, Landowners and those who live close to this dangerous disaster are going to regret it for the rest of their lives!

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