
Well Done!

Most Americans have forgotten WWII. As Baby Boomers pass so will a generation born to the Greatest Generation. BTW, Baby Boomers didn't loose the Vietnam War. The Greatest Generation lost that one from DC.

A lot is made of D-Landing in Europe; as it should be. But, the USMC and US Navy had D-Day's on every island in the Pacific Theater of Operation (PTO). Over 19,000 casualties on Okinawa. PTO was mostly a Navy/Marine war. Battle of Midway was Naval Aviation's finest hour. Plus, it probably saved Hawaii from invasion.

Of course I'm a little bias, being a Naval Aviator.

Thanks for the memories.

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Thank you Bill. Last night I watched Flags of our Fathers and Clint Eastwood produced this movie and I certainly saw it in a different light today than I would have 5 years ago. I watched it on the 79th anniversary of of the flag going up at Iwo Jima.

February 23, 1945 it was a politician that screwed it up for the Marines.

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