"Wind energy" = "wind farms" aka Giant Bird/Bat/Butterfly Blenders, 1,000s sq miles of solar arrays that destroy productive land to make it useless for people, wildlife. Unreliable, very expensive.
When did we stop talking about oil and gas "wells" and coal "mines" and start calling them "recover units"? Born,raised and still live in Illinois. I did not know so much of what you shared. Thank you! And thank you for the truth about the future!
"Wind energy" = "wind farms" aka Giant Bird/Bat/Butterfly Blenders, 1,000s sq miles of solar arrays that destroy productive land to make it useless for people, wildlife. Unreliable, very expensive.
When did we stop talking about oil and gas "wells" and coal "mines" and start calling them "recover units"? Born,raised and still live in Illinois. I did not know so much of what you shared. Thank you! And thank you for the truth about the future!