
I love you, Trent; however my long cemented values and opinions resist this concept. Please allow me to explain:

My mom was full Italian. Her mom & dad ( my Nonna & Nonno) we’re both born & raised in Vicenza (Northern Italy. He was from a wealthy family; my Nonna was from a very poor family that lived in a cave. My Nonno’s family absolutely forbade him from marrying my Nonna.

So they married in secret (aka Romeo & Juliet); Nonno emigrated to The United States and settled in Sterling, CO; he bought farm land and built a house; and he sent for my Nonna and brought her over here. They were happy and began raising their family.

My mom (an absolute angel and perfect parent) was the youngest of their 6 children. My mom grew up, went to Greeley for college and became a teacher. Without family interference, she opted to marry a Norwegian, my dad. They lived in Oslo Norway for over a year.

So, from my point of view, I’m REALLY happy they defied their parental demands about whom they married! Obviously! I wouldn’t be here, otherwise!

Anyway…I understand your instinctual parental impulse to take up those reins. Nonetheless, I still love and appreciate you and all you do for humanity! 😍

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I am happy that things turned out well for you. You must have had much good people in your life when you were young.

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I agree. There are times when their young folk's choice is not good. And these days many young people have very little common sense. However much of that lack of common sense is due to their parents. Being that they are young they do not know much about the world yet and easily get into troubles.

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