
Good morning Cory

My bad I did on Free Soil Coalition post. Will fix it now. Thanks for the article.

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So is navigator trying to down size the plum? Is that why they are hiding it? When they know darn well the landowners and Trent’s done our homework! We are not ignorant and going to roll over and believe all their crap! I was appalled with the PUC held information meetings in canton, Flandreau and Sioux Falls, how they paraded this cute young thing up in front of the farmers and landowners, claiming she grew up on a farm, knew all about agriculture etc! I wanted to ask her, how many hours she spent in a open tractor, with wind, eating dirt, trying to see through the dirt, having your body hurt from bouncing around on the tractor all day! Only to go home, to milk cows, complete the other chores on the farm, going into the house late at night too tired to eat, just clean up and go to bed, only to repeat the same thing in the morning! Farmers and landowners aren’t dumb, we see right through this BS, just like how dangerous and deadly this pipeline is, making the excuse not to release the map to the route of their pipeline, because of terrorist attacked? ! If they have nothing to hid, why don’t they publish it? What we do know, God is with us, He is the one who has given us the strength to keep his commandments, to remind them, “Thou shalt not steal”, “ thou shalt not convent thy neighbor!” God had given us the strength to feed and His people and to PROTECT His people!

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These CommieCrat Pipeline Tyrants want WE THE PEOPLE to be quiet and not to worry about safety? The SAFETY and HEALTH of our Children and Residents should be the Number 1 PRIORITY with this Idiotic Carbon Fake Footprint Gimick of a CO2 pipeline! The Health and Safety of our children and the homes and schools that this is being routed through and near is about nothing more than the Tyrants making Billions of Tax Dollars while the Risks to the public and our children is being Jeopardized! This is NOT ACCEPTABLE! If these COMMIECRAT TYRANTS don’t want to place the Highest Priority toward the safety of Human Beings who live and go to schools near this Idiotic pipeline idea of transporting a DEADLY ASPHYXIANT near Humans and Animals, then maybe WE THE PEOPLE should all RISE up against these CommieCrat Tyrants and show them that AMERICA has not yet been taken completely over by Communist China! WE THE PEOPLE are AMERICA! We will NOT put up with this CCP style tactics to Steal our Land and put American Taxpayers lives in Danger because of the GREEDY TYRANT FEW!!!

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A rupture in a River valley will kill livestock and people with extremely lethality in winter atmosphere inversions.

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If you're going to copy and paste my entire article, I would prefer a full credit as author on this page—"Cory Allen Heidelberger, 'Navigator Hiding CO2 Pipeline Leak Science Because Citizens Are Stupid,' Dakota Free Press, 2023.07.26"—not just a link to the original post on Dakota Free Press. I'll do the same if I quote any of your material.

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