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ND Governor Burgum and Public Commissioners Christianson, Haugen-Hoffart, and stand-in Dawson are NOT concerned with the Safety and Lives of North Dakota TAX PAYERS! However, GOD is CONCERNED!

Summit Carbon Conundrum has Nothing to do with SOLUTIONS! These NWO Corporate Commies are concerned with one thing and one thing only! MORE TAX DOLLARS in their Big Fat Corrupt Criminal Wallets and more Land THEFT and CONFISCATION from PRIVATE LAND OWNERS! If you want REAL SOLUTIONS, use the ENVIRONMENTAL PIPELINES that GOD has already CREATED to Naturally SOAK UP and RECYCLE CARBON DIOXIDE from the EARTHS ATMOSPHERE!

TREE leaves CAPTURE and ABSORB CARBON DIOXIDE and water and use the energy of the sun to convert this into chemical compounds such as sugars that feed the TREES! As a BY-PRODUCT of that chemical reaction OXYGEN is produced and released by Life Saving TREES! ONE TREE SOAKS IN approximately 50 POUNDS of Carbon Dioxide per year! 12,000 years ago the earth had 6 TRILLION TREES and now has 3.04 TRILLION TREES which Results in a CO2 ABSORPTION RATE of approximately 152,000,000,000,000 POUNDS of CO2 per year! That’s 152 TRILLION POUNDS of CO2 REMOVED FROM THE ATMOSPHERE and RECYCLED into OXYGEN every single year! That’s 76 BILLION TONS of CARBON DIOXIDE SOAKED UP by a NATURAL COMMODITY CALLED TREES which then convert this into OXYGEN! Does Summit Carbon Solutions produce OXYGEN from their DANGEROUS PIPELINES?

These Greedy multi-Billionaire NWO Globalist Commies IGNORE what GOD has CREATED to SOLVE this SAFELY, NATURALLY, and HUMANELY the way GOD INTENDED when HE created TREES and PLANTS so that WE THE PEOPLE can have OXYGEN TO BREATH and LIVE!

Transporting CO2 via pipeline and Pumping it into The Earths Crevasses is NOT SOLVING anything and is nothing more than an ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER IN THE MAKING! BlackRock INC. owned Summit Carbon Solutions MUST change their DECEIVING name to CREVASSE CARBON CONUNDRUM! The only things they’re doing is STEALING AMERICAN TAX PAYER DOLLARS and CONFISCATING LAND from PRIVATE LAND OWNERS all in the name of the Climate Change Hoax that Burgum, Christianson, Haugen-Hoffart, and Dawson are Bribed and Brainwashed into believing by the GLOBALIST NEW WORLD ORDER Communists at BLACKROCK INC. (BLK).

The LIBTARD COMMIES promoting this INSANITY keep begging WE THE PEOPLE to put an END to this COMMUNIST CO2 CLIMATE CHANGE LUNACY! WE THE PEOPLE have had ENOUGH of the WASTE, FRAUD, and ABUSE of American Tax Dollars and will NOT put up with the Climate Hoax to STEAL more LAND from Private Land OWNERS!!! Everything GOD has made is for a reason! If you want to reduce CO2, PLANT MORE TREES instead of DESTROYING THE ENVIRONMENT with UNNECESSARY, UNSAFE, UNDERGROUND PIPELINES that will DEPLETE OXYGEN when they Burst or Leak causing Environmental Disasters and loss of Human Lives and wild life!

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