And when asked why solar companies are putting more solar panels on farmland instead rooftops and parking lots, American Farmland Trust rep said 'because it's cheaper' for the solar companies to install on flat, well-draining farmland vs additional costs of retrofitting roofs for solar panels.

I call b.s. on that - since they got all this subsidy money they can dip into.

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...and the claim that ''green'' energy is good for the environment is a moot point -- due to the development solar & wind farms requires purchase of additional land of even much larger acreage to mitigate the environmental damage caused by the ''green energy'' farms.

Case point -- Calif.'s Carrizo Plains conservation area - which used to be ranchland - now has two solar farms on it totaling over 5,000 acres. 30,000 acres was purchased by the two solar companies and given to enviro groups for the required ''off-site compensatory mitigation'' purposes. That 30,000 acres was a ranch that is now a conservation area. We lose far more ag land to mitigate development than we lose to both green energy and urban development

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