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Right on Trent! This “decarbonization insanity” including, but not limited to, carbon credits, CCUS, Direct-Air Capture, Sustainable Jet Fuel, Hydrogen generation etc is just a means to an end for the pilfering of taxpayer dollars being dolled out by federal and state governments to wealthy investors looking to invest in “new” and “artificially contrived” business opportunities that make no economic sense standing on their own without subsidies and will do NOTHING to affect the climate. Those saying otherwise fall into the category of “figures don’t lie but liars sure figure!” All the pilfering of money from the People is being done by individuals who could give 2-💩’s about the true and genuine “Greater Good” of our Country’s future. Their rampant blood thirsty greed blinds them to the insanity of the literal sucking of government subsidies that has accelerated this Country’s death spiral as our National Debt is rapidly approaching 40 trillion dollars! All of this removal of CO2/Carbon from our lower atmospheric layer called the Troposphere that has zero effect on the ozone layer located in the Stratosphere 7 to 31 miles above the earths surface! Nevertheless, “Stupid is as Dumb Does!”😳

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