On another matter. I was watching a movie last night, “Stand at Paxton County “. And I’ll be damned, who do I see in the role of a hay farmer/ rancher?: That ole’ mangy Trent Loos.

Good job, Mr. Loos. It was a story I reckon needed to b told.

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The govt's M.O. behind the Dassinger case is just one of the many tools to run farmers and ranchers off their land to achieve more land acquisitions for the govt 30x30 ownership goals.

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The movies have it right. This type of thing has been happening throughout history. Every politico has, first and foremost, his self interest in mind. Not the citizen. It’s not a far reach to see that power will be, quite often, misused terribly. Keep alert.

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the Hammonds' case was a dress rehearsal for what the govt was going to do to the rest of the country.

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