Sitemap - 2023 - Loos Lips

Dakota Trails & Tales Dec 29, 2023 Marty Beard with a prayer request for his wife Crystal. God is good, all the time.

Trent on the Loos Dec 29, 2023 The three amigos discuss in the importance of sheep to environmental health and China has 175 million of them.

Trent on the Loos Dec 28, 2023 Tony Neidhardt Retired Air Force and something has changed in China

Liberty and No Excise Tax

Act upon your Faith

Fantastic crowd in Lincoln County, SD last night to take a stand for property rights and oppose dangerous CO2 Pipeline.

Free Soil Coalition meeting in Lincoln County, SD Monday Dec 18, 2023 is about the Federal Government is gone, how do we reinforce County Government to protect rights?

Heading to hell

Across the Plains Dec 13, 2023 Nobody really says why these "Conservation" approach's are being implement by government, until NOW.

Merry Christmas as we sort through all the noise together

Cross Diamond Cattle Co donates 100% of the proceeds to the All American Beef Battalion.

Wheels are coming off the Carbon Capture train that we can't afford.

Rural Route Radio Dec 7, 2023 Steve Kenkel Shelby County IA County Supervisor has advice for every county in USA.

Loos Tales for Dec 7, 2023 In honor of those who gave life and the reading of "In Flanders Fields"

John Frankman is my guest today on Trent on the Loos here is a glimpse of the stark reality he brings to us about what we have allowed to happen to our #military. Entire program airs Dec 1, 2023 at 4:

Loos Tales Special Report Nov 30, 2023 Presidential Candidate Ryan Binkley who was the first to come out against CO2 Pipeline back in August.

Kearney, NE City Council fixes their own screw up from Oct meeting infringing upon 2nd Amendment rights.

Rural Route Radio Nov 24, 2023 JC Cole ask the question we should all be asking, why all the dual citizenship members of Biden's administration. Israel and United States?

New World Order, revisited

Loos from the Hip Let's talk turkey I will not comply with the 1%

Join us in Neligh, NE on Dec 4, 2023 to explain the dangers of CO2 pipeline.

China impedeing war on Taiwan and the impact to the U.S. by Anthony Neidhardt in Nebraska

Cross Diamond Cattle Company invite you to the Red Angus sale in Nebraska Dec 11, 2023

Not Rewilding Earth with my dime

Greg Hager with his Veterans Day Tribute, "Not all hero's have to die."

Trent Loos speech at Determined Patriotism Conference in Kansas City, KS on Nov 10, 2023

#VeteransDay Freddy Robinson from Leola, SD shares we all should fight for freedom. Go beyond saying thank you and do something.

Congressman Steve King is shut down for the 3rd time to testify at the Iowa Utilities Board meeting for the Summit Carbon Solutions permitting.

If corn/soybean growers want a farm to pass to the next generation, well in short GET OFF OF WELFARE PAYMENTS.

John Bolin is quite profound with the statement of the day while praying and leaning on the shovel. Full details Monday Trent on the Loos but a glimpse is here.

Oklahoma Senator Casey Murdock defines the problem with Urbanizing America.

Loos Tales for Oct 31, 2023 Oklahoma City Thunder second home game of the year, WHY?

Across the Pond Tour Regaining Control for the Farmer concludes as huge success

Rural Route Radio Oct 23, 2023 The Across the Pond Regaining Control for the Farmer tour kicks off live from John Wood Ag Center Perry, IL

The chute is about to open on Women's Ranch Bronc Riding in Broken Bow, NE and Brittany Miller is coming.

Loos Tales Oct 19, 2023 With Kenny Rogers in Yuma, CO and we are on a train to nowhere with CO2 Pipeline

Net Carbon Zero?

Kansas State GOP Representatives ALL except one vote to pass this Resolution. 2023

It is not only land ownership it is who controls the land use decisions. Regaining Control for the #Farmers

Clearly it is time for minute of Nebraska Cowboy logic on Carbon Capture

Loos Tales for Oct 16, 2023 Brian Johnson just a great story of the resilience of the farm/ranch FAMILY.

Buckin for Breckyn in Broken Bow NE on Acros the Pond Tour

Climate Conversation is a must see documentary and Kim Monson is the Narrator tomorrow Trent on the Loos.

Regaining Control for the Farmer tour Oct 22-28, 2023 Andrew Henderson explains why they don't rent pigs in the UK

Longmire (Robert Taylor) stars in Australian movie called "Just a Farmer." Leila McDougall is the brainchild and joins Trent on the Loos.

Regaining Control for the Farmer 2023 Across the Pond Tour Trent's thoughts Oct 2, 2023

Across the Pond Roadshow wardrobe order now through Oct 8, 2023

HPJ Column in response to "Hogwash" in Washington Post about farmers.

Free Soil Coalition CO2 Pipeline Forum Hancock County, IL on Sept 28, 2023 at Lake Hill Winery

Property Rights Forum in Hancock, IL and ND Senator Jeff Magrum shares thoughts on ND PSC decision.

Join as Trent host #AcrossThePlains addressing issues that affect folks living in the Great Plains of America. Special guest Brian Thompson it starts now.

CO2 as it is fits into your health and wellbeing in true organic soil sequestration. Must listen to Across the Pond.

Ryan Binkley for President 2024 will discuss the stupidity of the CO2 Pipeline in a Zoom Town Hall meeting Sept 7, 2023 at 4:00 pm Cental.

When the CO2 pipeline is too risky for insurance companies what should that tell all? Letters are going to landowners now.

Across the Pond "Regaining Control for the Farmer Tour 2023" is scheduled.

This week is the release of On The Loos, Scotch Ale. And now we see it is beyond healthy in moderation.

Trump no longer fools me

Remember US Farmers contribute 4 times more photosynthesis than the Amazon Rainforest annually and now look at this fraud.

This shows how the wind fraud is NOT Green.

Tina Peters is fighting for freedom at all costs. We must fix our broken election system now, not later.

This video is posted because I see parrellels to Trump's arrest photo published. It is all bait.

Black Rock will take your land with Eminent Domain.

Who was Maurice Strong? He created the "Green Mofia"

Midwestern's are not smart enough to understand the risk analysis of the plume study of CO2 pipeline. Elizabeth Burns-Thompson just says it in a different way.

CO2 Pipeline debate happening right now Brookings, SD

Let's get serious about weed control with Apache Technology & Service.

Dakota Trails & Tales August 16, 2023 from the Election Integrity Conference with Melania Standiford.

Dakota Trails & Tales Aug 14, 2023 Marty on Monday discussing the importance of family time on a daily basis.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr joins Trent on the Loos Aug 15, 2023 on why he is Presidential Candidate.

Rural Route Radio Aug 10, 2023 Kim Coates from LA on the CO2 pipeline that threathens important water sources.

AUGUST 7, 2023 Carbon dioxide, not water, triggers explosive basaltic volcanoes

Loos Tales Aug 7, 2023 CO2 pipeline great news from ND but what is happeing in Louisiana?

Trent's Take on the ND Public Service Commission denial of CO2 Pipeline permit.

North Dakota PSC Unanimously Denies Siting Permit for Summit Carbon's CO2 Pipeline

Navigator Hiding CO2 Pipeline Leak Science Because Citizens Are Stupid

Rural Route Radio July 28, 2023 NeAnne Clinton from Garfield County, OK will inspire anyone to be a better citizen of your community.

Join the live Free Soil Coalition stream now

C02 makes dry ice, so how does it hold heat? It doesn't

NeAnne Clinton from Garfield County Oklahoma straight shooting the facts.

Andrew Henderson absolutely hits the nail on the head about the solution to the climate crisis. Tune into Across the Pond at 6:30 every week day morning on BEK.News

Dakota Trails and Tales July 25, 2023 the parrellels between government corruption in Transcontinental Railroad and CO2 Pipeline are remarkable.

Dwight Moudy following up on the Cowboy Way today the teaser for Trent on the Loos

Free Soil Coalition meeting in Charles City, IA July 31, 2023

Free Soil Coalition announcing formation to Stand for Liberty, Property Rights & Freedom

Marty Beard shares what he is doing to celebrate the Day of the American Cowboy July 22, 2023

The 2023 Day of the American Cowboy is clearly the most important in our life. Once again the Cowboy must reconnect the United States.

Why can't Ryan Verlinde see that I am 6 foot tall.

Coal fired power plants have reduced TOO MANY EMISSIONS for planet health. This is why farmers are adding Sulfur for soil health.

It is all about culture, come create it at 2024 National Western Stock Show & Rodeo

Trent on the Loos as students test CO2 levels in Leola, SD classsroom. Their results are quite interesting.

Glory be to God

Dakota Trails & Tales July 10, 2023 Marty on Monday and with the Sound of Freedom great awareness, time to free the children for good.

Rural Route Radio July 7, 2023 Gammy Sparkles is telling it like it is and has been pushed too far when kids are treated like commodities.

CO2 Pipeline Round Up Rally at the South Dakota State Capital looks quite different than some.

I have found my hill to die on

John Bolin says thank you to the FruitCake in Canada for the morning smoke. Trent on the Loos

Train derailment on the Yellowstone River, Trent on the Loos was there.

Loos Tales June 30, 2023 Libbi is back from Scotland and back on the air after a long time.

Dakota Trails & Tales June 28, 2023 shining a light on the outright dangers of solar energy.

Loos Tales for June 27, 2023 SD Gov Kristi Noem is an embarrassment to all who believed her.

Want to escape the craziness of the world today? Go to a #rodeo where it always stays real with the love of God, Country and Family.

Jerad Bossly asking @KristiNoem last August to help SD citizens to stand against #LandGrab

I identify as a Kulak

Rural Route Radio June 22, 2023 Isaac Orr, Policy Fellow at Center of the American Experiment shares the grim truth about how retiring coal plants is going to put you in the dark.

Loos Tales June 20, 2023 The true corrupt Kristi Noem has been exposed.

Nebraska Nowledge June 15, 2023 Stay rooted like a musk thistle.

Canadians are not being fooled by the dangers politicial games with fire. Jared Carlberg my guest today Trent on the Loos.

Dakota Trails and Tales June 12, 2023 Marty on Monday shares compelling story about a dear friend, mentor and hero Bob Baker.

You get on the train first, cause I ain’t going.

Wake up folks they are coming for your land just like Stalin did. Today on Nebraska Nowledge I ask Adrian Smith about 30X30.

Marty Beard on the dying breed "old timers" who will help you in any environment.

Loos Tales June 9, 2023 Sarah Rinkelman shares the opporunity they have found to get into the Berkshire business.

Kevin Jenkins with a major announcement about the future of AFLDS Health & Wellness

Noboby actually wants CO2 other than those paid

The banking story of the CO2 Pipeline

Zayden Peltz is 10 years old and has a grasp of the real danger of the CO2 pipeline.

CO2 pipeline needs attention outside of the Great Plains

In honor of those families who made the ultimate sacrifice lets get serious about taking Captian Tom Stewart advice USMC.

Nebraska Nowledge May 22, 2023 There is still more good in the world than bad, it was on display Mason City, NE.

Free & Fed America May 22, 2023 We should celebration the emmissions from agriculture they enable life.

Nebraska Nowledge May 18, 2023 See you in Burke Stadium and hope your understand the power of beef in track and field.

Don’t bank on Trump

Rural Route Radio May 15, 2023 Hank Vogler once again tops all other quotes he has shared in 18 years. The thing cancer & government have in common, they grow until their kill their host.

Nebraska Nowledge May 14, 2023 God Bless the Mothers who hold the family and country together.

Rural Route Radio May 11, 2023 the unveiling of Gov Walz apology and return of land to American Indians, using 30 x 30.

Free & Fed America May 11, 2023 The hypocrisy of the government exposed once again, hyrdo electric is lowest source CO2.

Nebraska Nowledge May 10, 2023 Todd Schipporeit gives insight in Nebraska irrigation from Blaine County and Milburn Dam

Across the Pond with water information on 30 X 30 or ReWilding the World.

Nebraska Nowledge May 9, 2023 Kentucky Derby watched at WarHorse Casino in Lincoln, NE

Nebraska Nowledge May 8, 2023 Major accident West Bound I80 just West of Lincoln, Malcolm VFD quickly on the scene. CDL questions ahead.

Nebraska Nowledge May 5, 2023 Fonner Park Horse Racing this weekend

Kevin Jenkins named to head up AFLDS

Nebraska Nowledge May 4, 2023 We should be more like cows and ruminate more.

Nebraska Nowledge May 3, 2023 Do you have your potatoes planted?

Nebraska Nowledge May 2, 2023 Without Labor neither wisdom nor knowledge with accomplish much.

Nebraska Nowledge May 1, 2023 The Maiden Voyage from The Beef State

My potatoes are planted prior to May Day.

History repeating itself, again.

Loos Tales for April 21, 2023 The time that Rural America truly shines. Well our friends in the community have been dealt a bad hand, the Nebraska fire damage is huge.

Rural Route Radio April 20, 2023 Cargill is the largest privately held company in the United States and their "woke" policies fly in the face of Rural American meat eaters.

Daily updates for April 13, 2023

Soil Health is the key to the future, Chase Sauder with truth on how it is being percepted today by the farmer.

Daily Updates for April 11, 2023

Anyone interested in a half or whole hog from us butchered and processed at Wahoo Locker, get a hold of me today. It would be ready in 2 weeks.

Daily updates for April 10, 2023

Rural Route Radio April 7, 2023 Trent Loos brings the thoughts on division and Biblical everything we are dealing with today is, plus remember it was the Jews who said "crucify him."

Good Friday is upon us and this promo clip from Trent on the Loos with Andrew Southwick just gets right to the point.

America's Frontline Doctors file a criminal complaint against Richard Mack

Free & Fed America 2023 CO2 is a valuable commodity not a toxic gas. Have you tried to buy any lately?

Rural Route Radio April 3, 2023 Hank Vogler is dealing with a winter that just won't quit as so many in the Heartland of America are. Spring it is time to be Sprung.

Rural Route Radio March 31, 2023 Have you considered whole future could be based on the production of algae? Rebecca Cunningham, John Bolin and Trent Loos are in the house.

Kevin Jenkins is on fire. Richard Mack stole $350,000 from AFLDS after the board ask him to leave the board.

Implement Local Control at the County Level as the U.S. Constitution allows for.

Dakota Trails and Tales for March 29, 2023 turns out the lies are coming out about the CO2 pipeline and the real value of CO2.

The manufactured banking crisis is underway

Free & Fed America March 28, 2023 Chisholm and Western Trail meeting tonight in Enid, OK to keep the Federal Land Grab at bay.

Rural Route Radio Mar 23, 2023 Sandra Dean and the resolve that Oklahoman's have to get the right outcome. We are talking about the New Age Oklahoma Land Rush.

The wind is blowing but it's not electricity that is being generated.

Rural Route Radio March 21, 2023 Jay Truitt we covering how good parenting could be a acquired by going to the horse pasture with mares and foals.

Loos Tales March 20, 2023 "Be gentle stay firm" let me tell you where the comes from.

Rural Route Radio March 20, 2023 Hank Vogler on banking, Trump as next President and the resolution his is expecting at the next White Pine County Commission meeting.

Steve Stuenkel up next on Trent on the Loos he has been in Army National Guard over 36 years.

Trent is joined by Janet VanBebber, Chief Racing Officer of American Quarterhorse Association. Trent and Janet examine the ins and outs of the quarterhorse racing industry.

Rural Route Radio March 6, 2023 Damien Buckley joins from the UK to look under the top of the dirt to find the high quality "soil" and how we maintain it.

Rural Route Radio Dec 15, 2022 JC Cole lived through 5 banking collapses in his 18 years in Latvia, they are all the same and government will not be your Saviour.

Dakota Trails Tales March 14, 2023 So they want to put wind turbines in my area, should I say OKAY? HELL NO here is why

Rural Route Radio March 13, 2023 There are 400,000 buried at Arlington National Cemetry and 25 new funerals every single day, should we dig them all up and move them?

High time to get the facts about Carbon Pipeline

Loos Tales for March 10, 2023 As I am leaving New Orleans the living legend himself Don Stammens was there to say hi.

Eric Hamelback with National HBPA says the rival of this country depends on the #Heartland not the East or West Coast.

Loos Tales for March 9, 2023 Horseracing maybe it is a luxury but we do not want it to be an entry point for animal rights whackjobs.

Rural Route Radio March 9, 2023 Prof Tim Noakes from Cape Town, South Africa was put on trial because of a Twitter post about eating fat and real food not carbs.

Loos Tales for March 8, 2023 The Dept of Interior says buffalo is essential for healthy planet but cows kill it. WTH?

Rural Route Radio March 6, 2023 Hank Vogler with stark details about how bad the Wild Horse starvation and die off is going to be in 2023.

Forget "picture in a picture" I have organically created "horse in a horse."

Loos Tales March 6, 2023 It is race day at Fonner Park and David Anderson has years of experience and something to "show" for it.

Loos Tales for March 1, 2023 the reality is that we cannot bury one of the most important elements of life, CO2.

Rural Route Radio Mar 1, 2023 JC Cole don't be lulled into the fact that March has arrived like a lamb, it may leave like a lion in many, many ways.

Loos Tales for Feb 28, 2023 don't live your life at 2% or worthless skim, go full fat milk and live healthy

Sid Miller Texas Commissioner of Ag on selling farm land to China.

Loos Tales for Feb 27, 2023 Corn cobs, methane and CO2 all has a use in making tires, wait what?

Loos Tales for Feb 24, 2023 John Cato from Chillicothe, TX shares the history of Texas that few know much about

"Any wild animal can be tamed with skill and time but the beast in Mother Nature lives on"

American Frontline Doctors focus on the future of healthcare

Land Stewardship as the farmer rolls up corn stalks at the correct level. Protect the Harvest Free and Fed America 2023

Be advised this Loos Pork Jerky is as addictive as crack cocaine, so they say.

Biden-Harris Administration endorses Adventist dietary beliefs for ALL Americans

Grazing for planet and human health, Buffalo or Cattle

Rural Route Radio Feb 8, 2023 JC Cole with details about the earthquakes that have just occurred in Turkey, his information will make your body quake.

Rural Route Radio Feb 7, 2023 The terrible trio cover the challenge in dealing with farm based organizations at the state and national level.

Sunset over Middle Loup River seeing Jan 2023 into history.

On this day of the Sabbath I share no broadcast of mine for 23 years has the presence of the Holy Spirit in a bigger way than this celebration of Butch Hufnagel. God Bless Janet Hufnagel Thompson.

Nolan Theaker Senior Research Manager Institute of Energy Studies my guest on Trent on the Loos Jan 31, 2023. Additional value added uses for Lignite Coal is the topic.

Reloaded with proper audio, Marty Beard, what did you say?

Marty Beard, what did you say?

Marty Beard, what did you say?

This is a must see Trent on the Loos with @nathanalpers and his father Robert with a story of 102 people in Cooper County, Missouri who chose to hold their elected officials accountable.

Behind the Iron curtain of earth

Great crowd at Cooper County Cattleman's in Boonville, MO tonight.

The discussion on livestock immunity needs to be accurate and immediate. Look forward to you comments on this one.

Got my mile in today following a cow path packing a 50 lb bag of salt.

Joel Harris joins to explain the swine industry has been using mRNA vaccines for 10 years already. So, what is it exactly? Free & Fed America thanks to Protect the Harvest.

New opportunity on Rural Route Radio you can join Amanda and myself live

America’s Frontline Doctors Urge State Legislatures and Congress to Reclaim Dr. King’s Dream by Passing Civil Rights Legislation to Enshrine Medical Freedom into Law

Rural Route Radio Jan 16, 2023 Hank Vogler talking about the task of feeding the farm hands back in the day, I mean the cook makes all the difference.

Good morning from the great livestock state of #Nebraska

Photo of Big Jake & Gemstone at 9:27 pm on a freezing fog Jan 12, 2023 evening.

Angel Cushing from Kansas is the Pioneer in standing up to the RE-Wilding of America. This Protect the Harvest Free & Fed America sums it up

Honey judge at the PA Farm Show Orna Clum is simply buzzing about bees

Second hour of the KFYR Kafe starts now... My guest in this hour is Former SD State Rep Taffy Howard and her look back at SD Politics. Gov Noem not who you think she is.

Trent is hosting the KFYR Kafe LIVE Right now, well kinda hosting tune in and call we are talking about Dakota Territory Buffalo

The NEW National Western Stock Show with Jennifer Boka.

Dr. Nathan Bryan with truth about why now it is time to change to healthy lifestyle. Folks are dying left and right. for scientific details.

When you are a few bricks shy of a full load upon arrival at home.

88 Tactical in Omaha this is one amazing place

"Strong men stand up for themselves, stronger men stand up for others" Hank Vogler

Dr. Nathan Bryan is the foremost authority on Nitric Oxide in the world.

Livestock exhibitors all across the country are required to comply with health regulations that are not backed by science. Example today from PA Farm Show.

The Lancaster Farming publication on Trent Loos judging Bred Gilt show

JC Cole doesn't bring the news you want to hear to Rural Route Radio he brings what you need to hear. From Jan 4, 2023 the results of the #DeagelReport

The Global Authority on Nitric Oxide Dr. Nathan Bryan weighs in on the illusion of information we have been giving in the United States.

America’s Frontline Doctors Ask for Meeting with the NFL Regarding the Damar Hamlin Incident.

Promo clip of Thursday of Trent on the Loos with Dr Hugh McCampbell DVM Sweetwater, TN

Loos Tales Jan 5, 2023 Random meetings in airports, like the good ole days. Thanks Nathan.

Loos Tales for Jan 4, 2023 The young brilliant minds of Tennessee Cattlemen Convention wear both Blue & Gold plus the Green Jackets.

Promo clip for Jan 4, 2023 Trent on the Loos with Dr. Troy Rowan UT geneticists. Feeding the world's growing population with ease.

Tennessee Cattlemen's Convention Dr Hugh Mc Campbell has words nobody will ever live by.